Saturday, April 30, 2016

Sole pierced by tooth pick

Westgate at B1 level is having a Japanese food fare if anyone is interested. I guess the products are transported from Japan because the price is crazy expensive.
Are the food good?
I had no idea because the queue was long and lots of people were seen lining to get the free samples.
These samples were cut into smaller pieces and held with a tooth pick. The toothpick quality is good. Not those cheap and less pointy ones.
I wished that it was not the case. If it had been the cheaper ones, I wouldn't be writing a random blog.
When people were sampling the free food, some decided to be a litter bug. These people are suspected to be hoggers too. I abhor them because when they threw away the pointy toothpicks on the floor, I got injured.
There I was, walking around the fare and getting a pack of mochi. All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain on my sole.
When I held my foot up, I saw a pointy toothpick sticking on my sole. I was wearing slippers.
It would have been a funny pic to take and share, if it hadn't been painful enough that I had to pull it out ASAP.
I have been pierced by nail, screw, glass and other stuff on the road. But having a toothpick sticking out of my sole in a shopping mall really added up to the wierd stuff that could have happened to me.
Just to share

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